Book of Mormon Challenge

The leadership of the Harvest Park 3rd Ward extended an invitation to the entire ward to read the Book of Mormon by June 28, 2014. The challenge and invitation reads as follows:

To unite, build, and strengthen the faith of individuals, families, and our ward by reading daily from the Book of Mormon over the next five months. We invite you to give your best efforts to read the entire Book of Mormon from beginning to end. We add our witness to the many promises that the Lord's servants in our day have given to those who will read from its pages, that testimony will grow, faith will be fortified, individuals and families will be healed, and personal revelation will increase.

Bishop Clark

Brother Haws

Brother Wunderli

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Alma 26:27: "we were about to turn back"

I was touched as I read of the afflictions of Ammon and his brethren as they were working to take the blessings of the gospel to the Lamanites.  It struck me that these men became depressed because of their afflictions, so much so, that they were about to turn back.  So many times in life I have given up, or have been tempted to give up on a worthy pursuit when things got difficult.  It is tempting to look at others and think that if they do something well, it must come easily to them.  Even these greatest of missionaries in the Book of Mormon were tempted to give up and turn back when they got discouraged.  Think of what would have happened if these men had turned back and not completed their work among the Lamanites!  Many thousands of souls would not have received the light of the gospel.  The men likely would never have known what they missed out on had they turned back. No one would have blamed them.  In fact, most thought they were crazy to go in the first place.  But look what good came of sticking with it through their afflictions!  The Lord comforted them as they exercised faith and they were able to persevere through very difficult times.  Now look at their joy.  And the joy of so many others through their efforts.  It is worth it to stick with it through the hardest times, in worthy pursuits.  To do this, my heart must be soft like their hearts were soft. Their hearts were such that they were ok with their afflictions if there was a chance they could just help someone see the Lord.  I need to remember this in my afflictions, however great or small.  I am thankful for the patience and long-suffering of the Lord. He continually forgives me and gives me opportunities to grow and make better decisions going forward.  Amazing chapter.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Alma 19: "to me he doth not stink"

After King Lamoni had fallen to the earth as if he were dead, the Queen demonstrated some good principles that can be applied to marriage. First, when her husband was in apparent trouble, she sought help from the priesthood leader. Ammon could, and did, help her in a number of ways. Just like priesthood holders and leaders can help us when we are having difficulties. We can receive counsel, strength, perspective and healing from our priesthood leaders. The queen demonstrated great faith in her actions here. Exercising great faith on behalf of our spouse and those we love can be very beneficial.

Additionally, she did not give up on her husband when he was 'down'. Clearly he was in a troubling spot. Many around him had given up on him. It sounds like he actually stunk like he was dead. But his wife could see through the difficulties. She stood by him and did everything in her power to help him. She refused to smell his stink. She was there in his difficulties, and this allowed her to also be there and experience the great joy he also received through his deliverance. This is a great example of how to be a loving spouse. Too often, we see the opposite. Spouses complaining about the stink of their mate to others, rather than overlooking it and exercising faith in their behalf.

Later in the account, she continued to show her faith by watching over her husband until he awoke, as promised by Ammon. When he awoke he blessed God and then he blessed his wife. She was a great support and blessing to him. I am thankful for a spouse that is a great support and blessing to me, and who so often overlooks my stink. I desire the strength to be this kind of spouse.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Alma 11:46 "the people began again to be astonished, and also Zeezrom began to tremble"

As I read the account of Alma and Amulek preaching to the people of Ammonihah, I pondered the question, "What reached Zeezrom"?  He was a very learned and logical man.  He was very confident in his abilities to debate and persuade.  But at some point in his interaction with Amulek, the Spirit began to reach him.  What led to this?  It was not that he was impressed by Amulek, a man of 'no small reputation'.  It was not the fact that there are now two witnesses.  He did not seem overly impressed by Amulek's personal experiences with seeing an angel.  It did not seem to be Amulek's reminder that when people choose wickedness they are setting themselves up for destruction.  Even his initial personal accusation that Zeezrom is a child of hell did not seem to be what reached him.  What seemed to get to Zeezrom were the doctrines and testimony of Jesus Christ.  When Amulek taught these doctrines, the Holy Ghost carried them to Zeezrom's heart. And he finally let them in.  Then he began to tremble.  Then he began to acknowledge his guilt.  Then he desired the deliverance of the Savior.  I can apply this in at least two ways.  First, I can humble myself, exercise faith and constantly strive to remember Christ and my constant need for His deliverance.   Second, I can be more bold in my teaching and testifying of the Savior, as prompted by the Spirit.   It is when people are touched by the doctrine of Christ and finally acknowledge their dependence on Him for their eternal happiness that they humble themselves and repent.  We need a consciousness of our own guilt (see verse 1 of Ch 12).  Other things we learn about Zeezrom in the next chapter - he is convinced more and more of the power of God; he began to inquire diligently.  The nature, sincerity and purpose of his questions changed.  He began to have a mighty change of heart.  And this man who was so prideful and reliant upon his own wisdom at the beginning of the account was truly converted and delivered by the power of the atonement of Christ.  He went on to be a great missionary, bringing the blessings of the gospel to many.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Mosiah 21-22 "the Lord was slow to hear their cry"

These chapters contain great lessons about receiving spiritual guidance, and the relationship between adversity and spiritual growth.

In the beginning of Mosiah chapter 22, the people of King Limhi tried to deliver themselves from the Lamanites by relying on their own strength and wisdom, without repenting and without seeking the will and help of the Lord.

When this failed miserably (3 times), they finally humbled themselves and cried mightily unto the Lord. How long does it take me?

After crying unto the Lord, He was slow to hear their cries. I do not think this means He wanted to punish them or that He was getting back at them. I think it was for their own good, so that they could complete their repentance and truly change. If it is too easy, we tend to take things for granted and forget. Line upon line, He gives us what we need to grow and develop. And as we stay the course, He does deliver us and give us the spiritual guidance we need. When we begin to seek Him with all our hearts, He prospers us by degrees. I have experienced these principles as I have studied and applied the teachings of the Book of Mormon in my current study. I testify that they are true. I know the Lord delivers me from my sin and weakness as I excercise faith in Him.

As the people were ready, the Lord then sent help and inspiration by sending Ammon. Many times, needed spiritual guidance comes in the vehicle of another person.

The people entered into a covenant that they would serve God and keep His commandments. They desired to be baptized, but because of their new understanding and humility, they waited upon the Lord, until they could receive this by proper authority. The process these people went through required great faith and patience.

At the end of chapter 22, the people, together with the help of Ammon, put all of their study into how they could be delivered from the Lamanites. So chapter 22 comes full circle. At the beginning of the chapter, this was also their sole desire - how to be delivered from the Lamanites. But now, instead of relying solely upon their own strength, they put their faith and trust in the Lord, and with His guidance, they again put all their effort toward the goal at hand. Their understanding and motives were now different. They had grown tremendously through the exercise of faith, patience and humility. They were ready for deliverance and the adversity had blessed them greatly. And the Lord's method of delivering them was very different from their original plans.

Other principles from this account - in the beginning, they were murmuring because of their affliction. Only when they humbled themselves, stopped murmuring, and submitted to their afflictions, did they begin to receive the spiritual guidance they so desired. Murmuring impedes spiritual guidance and growth.

Also, even after their repentance, humility and growth, the Lord still did not simply give them the answer. They had to work hard and put forth effort into thinking up the best approach they could. Then they had to act in faith. The Lord clearly guided them in this process, but not without much effort from the people. The power of counseling is also evident. Limhi did not assume he had all the answers. He counseled with the people. In the end, the plan chosen was put forth by Gideon. Guidance can come from counseling together. This is a good principle for families.