The purpose of this blog is to capture and share insights, experiences and testimonies gained during the Book of Mormon Challenge.
Book of Mormon Challenge
The leadership of the
To unite, build, and strengthen the faith of individuals, families, and our ward by reading daily from the Book of Mormon over the next five months. We invite you to give your best efforts to read the entire Book of Mormon from beginning to end. We add our witness to the many promises that the Lord's servants in our day have given to those who will read from its pages, that testimony will grow, faith will be fortified, individuals and families will be healed, and personal revelation will increase.
Bishop Clark
Brother Haws
Brother Wunderli
Saturday, June 7, 2014
3 Nephi 17:5 - "they would ask him to tarry a little longer with them"
The Nephites desires to have Jesus tarry a little longer with them led to incredible blessings. Chapter 17 is a very tender chapter. Jesus healed every one of the sick that were brought to him. He blessed each of the children, one by one. He wept with the people. They were overcome with joy because of his tarrying with them. I believe that Jesus desires to bless each one of God's children. We need to desire and invite him to tarry with us to receive his blessings.
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